1. Using Mental Math strategies means solving a math problem mentally using a conceptual understanding of the numbers. Teaching Mental math Strategies to students is very important as it develops their flexible thinking and boosts their confidence in math. Being able to use the multiplication properties to apply mental math strategies …

  2. Another version of block it! this time single-player. Single-player games come in handy when you need to provide individual students with fun ways to practice skills. Find the two-player version here. The students find the answers on the multiplication table and try to beat the bot at getting four in …

  3. The Binions are back for more adventures this time in a new game to practice multiplication and division facts, multiples, and factors. The game is an extension of the Multiplication Mission resource below. Multiplication Mission – arrays, properties, multiples, factors, division The game is played in two ways and it …

  4. The purpose of this game is to encourage students to practice the multiplication facts and find patterns and relations on the table that will help them gain fluency and automaticity with the multiplication facts. This is a Holiday-themed multiplayer game that you can play with your students near the holidays …

  5. This Halloween activity is for students to practice addition, subtraction, and numbers 1-100. The game board is the table 1-100 and the students move around on the board using dice in the print version and a spinner in the google slides version. There is a multiplication/division version of this game …

  6. Grades 2,3,4 Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build …
