1. As an extension to our linear equations unit, I have designed a few games to encourage students to do some extra practice. The games are great for practice, review, and self-correction, however, they don’t teach how to solve linear equations. Make sure that your students understand linear equations and the …

  2. Halloween is a great time for some playful, fun math activities like games, puzzles, and more. Puzzles are a great way to add some excitement to math class and when you can turn them into math talks a lot of interesting discussions happen as the students make connections, see the …

  3. A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane formed by the intersection of two number lines. One of these number lines is a horizontal number line called the x-axis and the other number line is a vertical number line called the y-axis. A coordinate plane is a tool used for graphing …

  4. I love teaching algebra especially in grades 5 and 6 when students start to learn about variables, expressions, and equations. Although algebra might seem strange to them at first, as they start to understand the rules they begin to enjoy this new chapter in their math adventures. I cannot stress …
