1. Why Do Students Struggle with Fractions? Fractions are a fundamental concept in mathematics, yet they often present a significant challenge for students. Unlike whole numbers, fractions introduce new rules, abstract reasoning, and multiple representations, making them difficult to grasp. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why students struggle with …

  2. Mathematics is full of Greek words and symbols that have shaped the way we understand numbers, geometry, and logic. The ancient Greeks made groundbreaking contributions to math, and many of their terms are still widely used today. Let’s explore some of the most important Greek words in math and their …

  3. Pi (π) is one of the most famous numbers in mathematics, appearing in formulas across geometry, physics, engineering, and even nature. But why does this seemingly simple ratio—approximately 3.14159—hold such immense importance, and where did it come from? The History of Pi The concept of pi has been known for …

  4. A Fun, Low-Prep digital activity for Review, Practice, and critical thinking As teachers, we know that spiral review is key to helping students retain math skills over time and to finding the connections between concepts. The idea of Math Trivia came as a need for an engaging, low-prep resource that …

  5. As promised, new Escape Rooms Adventures are being created. My students love Escape Room adventures and they keep on asking for more. After the success of the Fractions Review Escape Room Adventures 1 and 2, I decided to create two new Escape room adventures for younger students to practice the …

  6. Ratios, rates, and proportions along with conversion are concepts taught in middle school and they are a key part of algebra readiness. Simplifying ratios, finding equivalent ratios, finding unknown quantities, and solving word problems are some of the activities for practicing and understanding ratios. Before diving into ratios, rates, and …

  7. Subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers in grades 2 and 3 takes time for many students to master, especially when regrouping is required. Establishing a good understanding of place value is necessary before moving on to operations. Base 10 blocks are great for understanding place value and for simulating subtraction. Representing …

  8. Multiplying and dividing decimals by the powers of 10 is the first step in multiplying and dividing decimals. One of the important parts of the decimal system is learning where to move the decimal point or when to attach zeros. When we multiply or divide a decimal or any number by …

  9. Believe it or not, we are already getting close to 100 days of school! Completing 100 days of school is exciting for many reasons, the most important of them being that it is a great opportunity (and an excuse) to play some more games, solve some more puzzles, do some …

  10. We are excited to announce that Mathcurious has collaborated with other creators to put together a collection of high-quality print and digital resources for you. 2 bundles, grades 2-4 and 5-7 filled with review activities, games, and more for the upcoming math concepts. ​

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