1. Objective: Be the first to help your cicada emerge at the right time by landing on prime-numbered years! Although Cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years for the sake of the game and for the sake of practicing prime numbers we will assume that they emerge whenever you land on …

  2. As elementary math teachers, one of our primary goals is to create a classroom environment where students are actively engaged in learning and exploring mathematical concepts. One of the best ways to achieve this is by setting up math stations—a dynamic, hands-on approach that allows students to rotate between different …

  3. Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year, and I love to use all kinds of Halloween-themed math games, puzzles, and other practice activities in the classroom. Today I would like to share some more games and activities ideas with a Halloween theme to practice arrays and multiplication …

  4. Word problems often feel like puzzles wrapped in layers of words, but they’re one of the most powerful ways to understand algebra. They allow students to apply algebraic equations to real-life scenarios, making abstract math concepts come alive. Whether they are calculating how many apples they can buy with a …

  5. Mathematics, a subject often perceived as a maze of numbers and formulas, has been facing a significant challenge: student disengagement. This disinterest in math is a growing concern that threatens to widen the gap in STEM education and future career choices. But why are students disengaging from math, and more …

  6. Integers and their operations are an important concept in mathematics, typically introduced in the middle or early high school grades. While integers are often used in everyday life, this concept can be challenging for students. The introduction of negative numbers, numbers that are less than zero, is new to students …

  7. We have already discussed mental math strategies for addition and subtraction as well as mental math strategies for multiplication in previous posts. Today we will talk about division strategies that not only help students solve problems quickly but most importantly they help them gain a conceptual understanding of numbers and …

  8. Using Mental Math strategies means solving a math problem mentally using a conceptual understanding of the numbers. Teaching Mental math Strategies to students is very important as it develops their flexible thinking and boosts their confidence in math. Being able to use the multiplication properties to apply mental math strategies …

  9. Using Mental Math strategies means solving a math problem mentally using a conceptual understanding of the numbers. We teach mental math strategies like making 10, splitting, and regrouping in grades 1 and 2, however, I think it is important to teach strategies to older students as well. I noticed that …

  10. As an extension to our linear equations unit, I have designed a few games to encourage students to do some extra practice. The games are great for practice, review, and self-correction, however, they don’t teach how to solve linear equations. Make sure that your students understand linear equations and the …

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