Below you will find a collection of free games. Most of the games have a print and google slides version and some of them have a web version as well. The links will take you to a post where you will find the instructions, the print files to download, and the google slides version to make a copy.
Halloween games Addition/Subtraction Numbers 1-100
Multi-digit addition – games, activities- 2,3,4 digits
Ghost Chase – Addition, subtraction to 20 (+google slides version)
Chores!- A game to practice Addition, regrouping, and place value. (+google slides version)
Hive – Addition math game(+google slides version)
Around the World (+ google slides version)
Treasure Hunt- Mental math practice (+google slides version)
Zero Hero (Addition and subtraction)
The Black Hole! (now with a digital version)
The Great Escape-Addition to 20 (print, google slides, and digital version)
Ghost Chase game – Positive and Negative integers (+google slides version)
Down the Drain! A subtraction game. (virtual version included)