Below you will find all of the winter holidays/Christmas activities Mathcurious has to offer this year. Print and digital activity cards, math games and 2 digital “build and decorate a gingerbread creation” activities.
Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards grades 1/2
Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards – grades 3/4 and 4,5,6
Winter Holidays – Digital Division Activity cards
And some free winter holidays – games
Holidays Scavenger Hunt Game Multiplication facts
Holidays Scavenger Hunt-Game Challenge Multiples, prime numbers, square numbers
Holiday Scavenger Hunt Games – Addition/Subtraction/Place Value 1-100
Addition to 20 Scavenger Hunt game- Holiday Edition

Build a Virtual Gingerbread House, train,tree,…
Decorate a Gingerbread House, train, tree, …

Create an ugly Christmas sweater
Patterns in the tree. Print and digital activity.