Polygons’ Properties cards game, board game, bingo cards

June 05, 2020

Here are some fun ways to practice the polygons’ properties.

Polygon Party

Polygon Party is a fun card game that students can play to practice the polygons’ properties. It gives teachers and parents an opportunity for having discussions, clearing misconceptions, and doing an informal assessment on polygons. Basic and challenge game instructions included.


If you want to use a dice you can assign a property to each number. I find using the spinner easier.

You can use only the shapes your students know and just make more copies of them. If you are just starting with polygons let the students play with the cards, separate them in groups, have discussions before playing.


How to build the spinner.

I decided to include a spinner in this game because spinners are fun. You can easily make a spinner at home. Cut and paste the template given on a piece of card stock or cardboard or even a paper plate. To make the spinner you can use a paper clip, a popsicle stick, or a piece of cardboard (shaped like an arrow) attached with a brad (paper fastener) and a washer, or a push pin in the middle. You can also by a plastic spinner, or use a digital one.http://www.superteachertools.us/spinner/

Other ways to use the cards

  • As a reference and visual help.
  • Polygon hunt, the students take a card and try to find that shape in the classroom, at home, outdoors.
  • Play a matching memory game.
  • Play a bingo game. Give each student a few cards and use the spinner. The student that finishes their cards first wins. You can also use the bingo cards included.

The resource includes a board game “Polygon Race” that you can play using the spinner. Print and google slides version.

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Find the Polygon party cards, the “polygon race” board game, instructions, the spinner and the bingo cards here.

It is a good idea to laminate the cards and the spinner so they last longer. I am sure you can think of more games using the cards and the spinner based on your students’ needs. Please share your ideas with us.

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