1. Counting, recognizing numbers as quantities visually, and combining different quantities to form/model numbers are important skills that enforce number sense in grades k,1, and 2. A strong number sense is crucial for the future understanding of more complex math topics. Number sense building activities Count out loud together as a …

  2. This Ghostly game aims to help students practice addition and subtraction to 20. The print version uses dice and the digital version uses a spinner. The goal of the game is to catch the other players (ghosts) by landing on the same spot. It’s a “last man standing” game. The …

  3. Counting, recognizing numbers as quantities visually, and combining different quantities to form/model numbers are important skills that enforce number sense in grades k,1, and 2. A strong number sense is crucial for future understanding of more complex math topics. Number sense building activities Count out loud together as a class …
